Saturday, August 24, 2013


In case anyone thought I left with my family on our world travels and fell of the edge of the earth, I thought I would take a minute to post something after my year sabbatical from blogging. Our trip was AWESOME.  We visited Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand. It was amazing. Completely worth the scrimping and saving required to make it happen. I should have blogged about it, but alas, I was having too much fun. Pictures can be found on my facebook page.

Shortly after we came back, I decided to go back to school to work on a certificate in Intercultural Peacebuilding. I knew it was something I wanted to do in the future and the future happened faster than expected. I also started homeschooling high school with my oldest daughter.  Needless to say, I have been busy. Blogging had to take a back burner. I am still homeschooling high school... and middle school... and elementary school... I am still taking classes (one more class next semester to finish the certificate) and I am thinking of starting a Master's program. Life is still busy, but the urge to write has returned, so I may be popping back here every now and then.

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