Tuesday, March 6, 2007

The blahs are gone

Whew! The weather was so nice today! I am feeling so much better about homeschooling. A month ago I was about ready to throw in the towel, but now I am loving it again. Today after coming home from the grocery store and realizing how warm it was, I suggested that the girls go outside and play. They happily obliged and the house was quiet for an hour. Wow!

I adjusted our homeschool schedule and it has been going really well. Between the weather warming up and the new schedule, I have been a very happy mama lately. I had been trying to do everything every day. Too much. It leads to a stressed out mama. So, here is the new plan:

Mondays - Our current topic(usually science or history, but sometimes art or music), math, spelling 8yo/phonics 6yo

Tuesdays - Topic, math, grammar

Wednesdays - co-op

Thursdays - Topic, math, spelling 8 yo/phonics 6yo

Friday - Topic, copywork, grammar (and math if we have time)

It is kind of a light schedule, but it works for us right now. I was tired of being stressed out over not getting everything done each day. I still have lots of stuff I want to fit into this "school year" like math and reading games and a few more topics that we may not get to before summer, but with this new light schedule it may work to continue doing some "school" in the summer and we can always get to them next fall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The warm weather always makes me feel ready to go again. When we're stuck inside for too long I just want to quit everything.