Friday, September 17, 2010

Please don't stop by my house at 11am

As you may have guessed, homeschooling can reek some serious havoc on an otherwise clean house. Most nights I am able to get my house cleaned and straightened up after the kids go to bed. I enjoy sitting around in my clean house for just a few minutes before bedtime. But then morning comes and the mess begins. By 11am it looks like a tornado has come through. At lunchtime, I tidy up a bit and the kids help clean up when we are done with school for the day, so the house is not a total disaster.  But at 11am, the house is a complete wreck. So if you are planning to stop by unannounced, please come by at another time. Unless you want to feel better about your own housekeeping...
at night after the kids are in bed


at night after the kids are in bed


at night after the kids are in bed


at night after the kids are in bed


1 comment:

Stephanie said...

this is a great- true to life post! and feel free to borrow my copy of eats, shoots & leaves- it's too go to not share!!